Would an organisation be considered eligible as lead or sole applicant under Tier 1 if it can provide audited books with an annual turnover of over €40,000 in 2020 instead of 2018 or 2019?
Can a member of a Civil Society Organization in the Northern part of Cyprus apply for the Active Citizens Fund?
If we want to conduct a bicommunal project under Tier 2, and we need a grant of around €20,000, is it possible to receive €20,000 for implementing this project in the Northern part and another €20,000 for implementing in the Republic of Cyprus? I mean, €40,000 in total for bi-communal projects,which will be divided equally for 2 projects on both sides of the island.
Have there been any modifications to the Call documents since their first publication (Launch date: 06/08/2021)?.
You are recommending creating partnerships from the Donor states and outlining two ways in doing so.One through the current open call and one with the future open call.Does this mean in the current proposal, we include a potential partner that we form another project through the "Bilateral Fund Open Call" published later? Should these partners be one of the maximum of three partners recommended (Tier1) or can it be an extra partner?
Can you please explain the difference between Outcome and Outputs in the attached tables?
In Outcome 1 you state "To increase citizen participation in civic activities, the programme will focus on enhancing citizens’ awareness about the role of civil society organisations, fostering civic engagement and volunteerism, and supporting civic education."Does this mean that the required output is to create awareness generally about the role of CSOs in the society?Or is it rather enhancing awareness for the specific purpose and objectives of the sector that the CSO is working on? Can it be just the latter?
Output 1.1 seems to be specifically about the role of CSO in society. Could the focus be about the awareness of the specific issues that the CSO is working towards? Output 1.2: What if the project undertakes civic engagement and promotes participation but are not joint activities with the Turkish Cypriot community?
Can you elaborate on Outcome1's general indicator: "Number of people engaged in participatory processes initiated by a public decision-making body" Are you not referring to the activities organised by the CSO?
In the general description of Outcome 3 could you explain what you mean by indicator:"Share of CSOs with transparent and accountable governance - Share of joint initiatives conducted by CSOs in collaboration with other CSOs"?
From the description of Outcome 3, we understand that capacity building suggests networks, exchange and sharing with other CSO in Cyprus.Is this the case? Could this capacity building be designed at an international scale?
Output 3.1: Does this suggest that the lead applicant is leading activities to enhance capacities for other CSOs?.Could these activities be led by other invited experts that inform other CSOs and the sector?
Could one proposal at once, fill in indicators from Outcomes 1, 2 and 3?
The updated version of the call stated the need for financial auditing of the last three years, meaning 2018, 2019, 2020. As a practice, CSOs in the current year close their financial accounts of the previous year. This means that the accounts of 2020 are not yet officially finalised for many CSOs. Could we submit the info for 2020 after the deadline?
If a CSO covers 2 out of 3 requirements of the Larger/ more experienced entity definitions (not having 40,000 EUR turn over for the last three years )is it considered a smaller/ less experienced entity?
Under expected results, can you explain what you mean by: "The Fund Operator will monitor the success of the selected projects by the beneficiaries’ ability to achieve and report upon a hypothesis about how change is expected to take place through the project." So we would make a hypothesis of how change is expected to take place at what stage of the project? Do you mean during the application process? or with the completion of the project? Does this respond to any specific question?
Is there any size limit when uploading the material for submission?
Can we attach visual references in the annexes of the application document?
How do we add any additional Indicators that we might want to include in our application form (Section 4.2)?
Are Universities eligible applicants for the Active Citizens Fund Cyprus?
Are registered International NGOs (based in the Netherlands) excluded from participating in an application as partners?
Can we have partners from other EU countries (other than the beneficiary and donor countries)?
Providing consulting and training to early retired and unemployed persons over 40 years could be eligible?
Can individuals (Cypriot) apply?
Long term unemployed, aged unemployed, early retirees can be considered vulnerable group?
Is there a limit to the number of applications a partner can participate in?
What do you define as "underserved geographic areas"?
An organisation applies as sole or lead applicant for funding and has a specific legal status (e.g. Association). While its approved project is being implemented, the legal status of this organisation changes (e.g. from Association to Federation). Can this organisation continue being a project promoter?
Can international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) be considered as international organisations? Are they eligible as project promoters and partners?
What is the difference between a project partnership and sub-contracting?
Can individuals such as self-employed professionals be considered as “private entities” and thereof as eligible project partners?
We are interested on Outcome 1. Is it mandatory to choose the indicator of Outcome 1 (Number of people engaged in participatory processes initiated by a public decision-making body)?
1. Is the cost of staff that is on the payroll of the university an eligible cost of the project? This refers to professors of the university. 2. If their salary is not an eligible cost, can the public university as partner to the project, claim 15% overhead cost to the non-eligible staff cost?
How will we add the partner's costs? We will complete all the expenses of leader and partners in the same sheet?
Can director lead applicant include proportion of their salary on expenses to be funded?
Are travel expenses for individuals (collaborators) from countries that are not eligible partner countries eligible under budget line 1.2?
Can I add extra rows in the excel sheet of Annex I - Project Budget?
Is there a maximum limit of pages per application form and per Work Package?
In the case of identifying specific organizations, entities, etc. that will be actively involved in the implementation & activities of the project, will the partners need to collect Letters of Support?
Is honorarium given to volunteers living outside the Republic of Cyprus an eligible cost?
Are we allowed to provide an honorarium to everyone taking into consideration that they need to have a bank account from a bank registered in the Republic of Cyprus?
We are a registered non for profit company under the Ministry of Trade. How does this apply to us: "Letter from the Registrar for eligible entities established under the legal and regulatory framework governing the establishment of Foundations, Associations and Clubs (Law 104(Ι)/2017 and its relevant amendments)."
With regard to the Project Communication Plan, do we need to have two information activities AND a launch and closing activity, so four in total? OR two in total?
How do bicommunal partners prove that they are bicommunal partners? Are all organisations found in the civic space website considered bicommunal partners?
Do organisations in bicommunal partnerships need to have previous experience in bicommunal projects?
Which entities must submit the Letter from the Registrar (see Checklist for Applicants) and which is the relevant issuing authority for such a letter?
We would like to know if the program can cover the employment of a person for the entire duration of the program (20 months), who will undertake the implementation of the project for which we will request funding.
Will past audited accounts (2018, 2019, 2020) be in paper form, or do we have to scan all pages and send them to them?
In the application form you state "Provide a brief description of the main capacity needs of the applicant, the project partners (if applicable) and the needs of the civil society sector in Cyprus that the proposed project will address." What do you mean by "the main capacity needs of the applicant"?
Are registered non-profit companies eligible applicants?
Can capacity building include beyond theoretical training tools eg in engaging the public, actual practical training for volunteers, eg dry stone walling, which also operates as a bonding exercise for participants?
Are informal, ad hoc, and self-help organisations (including grassroots organisations), and Civil Society Organisations that are operating in the areas of the Republic of Cyprus not under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus required to have have implemented at least one (1) funded or sponsored project as partner entities to be eligible as a project partner?
Can you please elaborate on what you mean by ‘specific objectives’ and ‘overall objective’ in the question 'Describe the specific objectives of your project and explain how they contribute to the overall objective and the selected outcomes and outputs of the Programme (max 400 words).'? Are these predetermined or something we should develop? I saw in the open call pg. 6 that 'Each of the thematic outcomes have predefined specific objectives (hereinafter referred to as Project Outputs) ' but I find this confusing because then the question is to relate the specific objectives to themselves i.e. the outputs.
During the event in Limassol, you said that you recommend 3 partners in total. The application form has space for only 1 partner in Chapter 3. Does that mean that the 3rd partner will be technically a subcontractor?
During the event in Limassol, there was a question about whether a trainer from an EU country, the UK or US can be chosen for an event held as part of the project in Cyprus. Have you been able to verify if they will be eligible to receive payment from the project despite the fact that they are not from a donor state or EEA state?
Can the upgrading/renovation of a space hosting an organisation that works with vulnerable groups be considered an eligible activity/expense under output 2.2?
If an organisation has no staff but only volunteers would the proposal stand without staff costs (only in-kind contribution in the form of voluntary work)?
Are trade unions considered a public decision making body? Are they eligible collaborators?
In Outcome 1 you mention that the participants need to be engaged in processes initiated by a public-decision making body. Does the public-decision making body need to be partners in the project or can they be collaborators?
Would a company be an eligible project partner (Tier 1) if their legal representative is the same individual representing another organisation already participating in an application under Tier 1 as partners?
In point 3.4 Organisation/Entity Description the partner organisation's size is requested. Could you please clarify whether this has to do with HR (how many people we currently employ) or other?
What exactly is the registration at the District Administration? Urban Gorillas was founded in 2013 and besides the registration document at the Ministry of Commerce, I do not recall if we have other registration documents.
Do project partners need to have a certain (or minimum) budget attributed to them? In our case we are considering a partnership with a public body that would probably not need any budget contribution. Is this considered as an eligible partnership for this call?
Can we attach diagrams that explain the project and implementation process?
Could some extra funding for the project come from other European projects to add value to the project? If yes, is there a maximum value that the project should not overreach?
It is written that it should start three months after the notification date. Is this a final deadline? if the project has a duration of one year could it start in March 2023? (For Tier 1 projects).
Can we add Letters of Support from collaborators in the Annexes?
How do you define a bi-communal organisation? It needs to state in its statute that its main mission is bicommunal activities? As we understand it is only organisations registered in the Republic of Cyprus that are eligible, is that correct?
We are not VAT registered but are exempted from VAT on project basis. How is it possible to get VAT exempted as an NGO?
Should the funded/sponsored projects included as previous experience in the application form be completed at the date of submission or can they still be in the process of implementation?
One of our project partners is an association established in the northern part of Cyprus. While the association has been established for over 2 years and has implemented over 3 sponsored projects, it does not have audited accounts. The reason is that NGOs in the northern part of Cyprus are registered under District Offices of the main cities. They are not legally obliged to prepare Balance Sheets. Briefly, the association meets its obligations by treating two different authorities demand along the legislation and do not merge them in a single Balance Sheet as it is not a condition for NGOs by law. Could you please confirm that it is OK to not include audited accounts for this partner?
In Q and A there is a question “Output 1, general indicator (number of people engaged in participatory processes initiated by a public decision-making body). Are you not referring to the activities organised by an CSO?” The answer given is “participation of individuals in processes initiated by a public decision making body.” A public decision-making body, whether at local or national level, will invite the public to participate in a process either as a specific obligation prescribed in legislation (which is under that body’s control), or after initiatives taken by the affected public/CSOs towards the decision-making body, following which the public is invited to become involved in the process. Are we correct in assuming that the project call covers both these possibilities?
In what way is the composition of an ad hoc group who will act as partner showcased in the proposal. In other words how do we present the individuals that comprise a said group?
Is there a specific process that needs to be followed for the transfer of funds and payments from the project leader to its partner(s) if these are ad hoc groups or external consultants?
What evidence-documentation does an ad hoc group need to provide for the needs of the financial reports of the project? How do ad hoc group(s) that are partners in a project provide evidence and cover their costs and expenses. For example, if the ad hoc group, that is a partner consists of 3 persons. For staff costs, what is the evidence required (e.g. contract? Payslips? Social security? Invoice/receipt and timesheets?). For other expenses allocated to the ad hoc group, what financial reporting evidence is needed?
Does the fund cover cost for events and actions that will take place in the northern part of the island?
In the budget, can we provide average costs per staff category or does the sum needs to be exact?
During the workshop you mentioned that the 15% of Indirect costs are calculated based on the personnel costs. Is this correct? Shouldn't it be calculated on the total cost of the project?
In terms of total score ranking, would a different ranking be used for the two separate Tiers or will all applications fall under a common ranking based on their score?
With regards to the applicants eligibility: A ‘Limited liability company by guarantee without share capital’’, registered to the Department of the Registrar of Companies in the Republic of Cyprus, is it eligible for this call? If the company can provide Proof (Registration Document) does it also needs to provide a Letter from the Registrar?
With regards to the following passage from the application guide ‘’Applicants are also encouraged to include a partnership with a Donor project partner as part of their application’’: are there any predefined extra points that will be awarded in case this applies?
With regards to Indirect costs and the application of a flat rate 15% over the direct eligible personnel costs: can it be applied over the kind contribution in the form of voluntary work as well?
On p.10 of the ACF guide for applicants, version 2, is stated that "Thus, every applicant is required to invest 20-25% of the required grant support into capacity building activities and comply with at least one of the indicators of Outcome 3. Is that the maximum percentage that can be invested?
Is our understanding correct that the outputs and indicators referring to CSOs under Outcome 3, refer both to CSOs comprising the partnership and other CSOs that are beneficiaries of project activities (not project partners)?
We read that Project Partners should submit "An electronic copy of a signed letter from the partner’s decision-making body clearly indicating the (legal) representative". Is there a template for that letter? What is the meaning of a decision-making body in this context? If that body is a board, shall all the members of the board sign the letter?
About the bicommunal partnership: Do informal groups created and run jointly by Greek and Turkish Cypriots and have operations and activities on the two sides of the island considered to be an eligible partner?
One of our proposed partners has only recently been set up and has no previous experience with funded projects, although very active. Is it acceptable to be a partner?
Where can we find the Partnership Commitment Declaration template?
For smaller/ less experienced entities, can you please elaborate on ‘sponsored projects’? For example, would an artist collective with self or community sponsored activities be eligible? And would there be any minimum financial amount to be considered as support?
Would the inclusion of an informal group as a third project partner that is ultimately deemed ineligible due to its funding/ sponsorship history by the grant reviewers cause the whole project proposal to be considered ineligible?
If I can’t find partners, can I still apply?
With respect to Outcome 3, do we need to choose both indicators, or one of them is sufficient?
As regards the summary of the project (section 1 of application), is the 400 word count for both English and Greek or for each language version separately?
Can staff and/or volunteers travel abroad for activities (e.g. training) during the project?
If we add costs for our project partner, which is an ad hoc group, in 1.6 do we need to maintain the tender procedure guidelines?
Is it correct to plan our activities thinking that one activity might satisfy more than one indicator (In ref. to question" Clearly identify and describe the project activities that will contribute to achieving the selected indicators")?
We have a Turkish-Cypriot partner who is independent of local, regional and national government and other public authorities. However, they would like to host events (workshops, events, public consultations) in Municipalities in the North during the implementation of the project. Is that eligible under this Call?
How we add to the budget the people that will work for the project as external collaboration?
Can we include as project partners in our application a major European network of cultural organisations, artists, activists, academics and policymakers, who also operates within a trans-European territory and beyond?
Can you specify what do you mean by CSO's. Does it include both formal and informal organisations? In particular when you refer to it in outcome 3 and 1.
We are a newly formed informal group in the north. We don't have any sponsor history yet but 2 eligible NGOs are interested in applying in partnership with us. Can we be the 3rd partner?.
For Tier 1 projects: We are the main applicant and want to partner with a smaller less experienced entity that is an informal, ad-hoc entity. Does the following requirement apply for informal groups: "Smaller/less experienced entities are defined by the following characteristics: • have completed twelve (12) months of operation since their legal establishment6, • have implemented at least one (1) funded or sponsored project as partner entities
I would like to ask if an organisation can be considered eligible as sole applicant under Tier 1 if it can provide audited books with an annual turnover of over €40,000 in 2018 and 2019. Can the organisation provide the audited books of 2020 at a later stage (after the application deadline)?
We are registered as a Foundation under the Ministry of Interior however we are fully funded by the state and our Board consists of representatives of Ministries. Are we not eligible as applicants or as project partners for this call?
I have 2 questions about documents required. First, proof, registration document. If you remember what I asked you in Agros, I have the origirnal one from 2015 and the new one issued this year after we complied with the new law requirements. I need to submit the old one? The registration number did not change. Secondly, letter from the registrar, that confirm the compliance. Is that the second registration paper or something completely different? I have taken certified papers from the district office for different reasons (bank account, KOA application) and did not come across something like this. Digital copy of the signed decision, basically internal document saying who is legal representative signed by the president of the association or all 5 executive members and stamped?
The design of some activities might correspond and address more than one indicator. Do these need to be kept separately? Would it be possible to divide the time of staff and costs of materials for one same activity into the different WPs. As a general example, if let's say if training of some participants satisfies both outcome 1 and 3 can the fees for the staff/consultants be split between 1 and 3? Or if some materials/artefact are used for workshops designed for outcome 1 and 3 can the costs be split between them?
We would like to know if it’s possible to split each work package into smaller tasks.
In the Question about Previous Experience: When you want to indicate the "Budget" does this refer to the Budget of the project or the budget attributed to the applicant?
The application form, point 2.5., refers us to Guidelines, article 4.2.3. regarding previous experience requirements. Article 4.2.3. in the new Guidelines version refers to eligibility, and does not cover experience. Please advise on whatever is missing regarding guidance on indicating previous experience.
While pp 25-26 of the Guidelines refer extensively to the expected Communication Plan, asking us to include information on how it can be assessed, the actual application form at point 5.3, provides no space for a narrative description, only a table. The table has no column as to how the measures proposed will be assessed. Please advise on where this information will be included.
I would like to know how can I apply for the open call. I have to mention that I'm a PhD researcher in Panteion University and I hold both Greek and Cypriot citizenships.
Given that last July we had the worst fires in recent history, burning forests and fields, can the most active NGO formed in the aftermath of these fires be considered as a project partner?
Section 4.2.2 in the 2nd bullet states that eligible partners are: "Informal, ad hoc and self-help organizations. etc. etc. ..." These are presumed to be in the RoC, and 3rd bullet refers to the TCs. However in section 4.2.3 eligible partners are larger and/or smaller entities; smaller entities are defined as being legally established for over a year and completed at least one sponsored project. Are informal organizations within the RoC excluded? Also, if an informal organization within the RoC carried out sponsored projects and has since been registered officially, for say 6-months, do they lose their history? Are they ineligible simply by being registered 6-months out of a 4 year history of action? Should not their CV be combined? We suggest that the definition of smaller entities should include informal groups as stated under 4.2.2
The Call cites: The applicants (Lead Applicants or Sole Applicants) must be Civil Society Organisations that are established in the Republic of Cyprus and fall within the following definition: “A non-profit voluntary organisation established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organisations.” Does this mean that applicants need to be legal entities? Or that they can fall in any of the descriptions cited?
The Call cites: "Applicants are also encouraged to include a partnership with a Donor project partner (i.e. partners from Norway, Iceland and/ or Liechtenstein) as part of their application". How much weight is put in including this partnership?
If you have any questions regarding the open call for applications,please submit your questions before the 1st of November 2021.
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