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Initiative Coordinator: Oxygono (Cyprus)

Partners: The City of Reykjavik (Iceland)

Relative Outcome: Vulnerable Groups Empowered

Duration: 3 months

Grant Amount: € 3,500.00


Oxygono's bilateral initiative project entails a series of virtual bilateral advocacy workshops conducted in collaboration with the City of Reykjavik Human Rights and Democracy Office. The workshops serve as a platform for knowledge exchange and the sharing of best practices in advocating for the rights of vulnerable groups in Cyprus and Iceland, with a particular focus on refugees, migrants, minorities, women, children, and LGBTQ+ people. Our overarching goal is to enhance advocacy efforts and promote the well-being and inclusion of these vulnerable populations in both countries. To achieve this, we aim to increase awareness of the challenges faced by these groups, equip participants with improved advocacy skills and knowledge, and foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including civil society organizations, government agencies, and international organizations. Our project comprises two consecutive virtual workshops, with an anticipated participation of 35-40 individuals. The first session, which commenced in early September, set the foundation, while the second session will be tailored based on feedback and outcomes from the initial workshop to ensure it aligns with participants' needs and desired outcomes. Ultimately, our bilateral advocacy workshops aspire to empower participants to effectively advocate for the rights and empowerment of vulnerable groups, thereby effecting positive and tangible changes in their well-being and societal inclusion within Cyprus and Iceland.

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27 Ezekia Papaioannou Street,
Nicosia 1075,Cyprus
T +357 22875499

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