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Initiative Coordinator: G.F.C Generation for Change CY (Cyprus)

Partners: Save A Child-SAC (Norway)

Relative Outcome: Increased Citizen Participation in Civic Activities

Duration: 4 months

Grant Amount: € 3,990.00


The project aims to empower young refugees and migrants aged 15-18 by:

  1. Involving them in educational activities focused on their transition to adulthood and personal growth.
  2. Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations in Cyprus and Norway to address the needs of migrant and refugee teenagers.


The project focuses on migrant and refugee teenagers aged 15-18, particularly unaccompanied minors. Also, a secondary target group includes the partner organisations that will enhance their capacities through this international collaboration.


Through the Learnify project, the following activities will be implemented:

  1. Basic English course: Eight students will follow a 40-hour ESL course to improve comprehension of the English language and empower them with vital tools for their integration.
  2. ICT skills training: Eight students will receive 20 hours of computer and smartphone training, covering internet use, productivity tools, email services, safe browsing, and educational platforms.
  3. Knowledge exchange: The SAC representative will visit Cyprus in the third month. They will observe English and ICT classes at GFC, provide feedback during a meeting, and visit other organizations working with migrant and refugee youth in Norway to facilitate international discussions on the topic and related practices.

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Nicosia 1075,Cyprus
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